The Emotionally Society ( Comparitve Study between The Visit by Friedrich Durrenmatt and A Doll's House by Anton Chekhov)

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
The Emotionless Society "For the love of money is the root of all evil." A famous line from 1 Timothy 6: 10, which proves true in society. The love of money can be a motivation for people to achieve happiness. Materialism often fills a void in the lives of unhappy people. Also, money rules the world, causing many crimes against humans and humanity. Authors Friedrich Durrenmatt and Henrik Ibsen also found this to be true, expressing regard through …

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…Torvald attempted to buy Nora over, matching his love with the amount of money Nora was given. The citizens of Guellen murdered a once loved member of their community, so that their happiness could be bought. The outcome in both situations was a guilty conscience and loss of substantial character. Surrendering to society is the downfall of humanity. Life is not about wealth, and a lasting reputation. Life is about living long, and living well.