The Electoral College Should be Abolished for many Clearly Defined Reasons.

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Essay Database > Law & Government
Have you ever wondered where America would be right now if Albert Gore had won the 2000 presidential election, as determined by the popular vote? In the 2000 election, Gore won the popular majority of votes cast for the president in the United States, but because of a system called The Electoral College, George Bush was given the White House. The Electoral College is a system of voting based upon population of individual states: each state is …

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…good of the Electoral College in a modern society if the motivations for which it was devised no longer even pertain to our current era? However, with modern communication capacity, and maturity of the government, the people of the United States are ready to elect their own officials and presidents. After all, as Winston Churchill once said, "The Electoral College system is probably the worst possible method of choosing a president-except for all the others."