The Egyptian Culture

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Pages: 17
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Essay Database > History
I. Introduction: The purpose of our research project examining the Egyptian - American culture, is to educate others on the similarities, as well as the differences between the American and Egyptian cultures. Since the Egyptian culture is some what unknown to the American population, this paper is designed to provide knowledge and background on this amazing culture. Our paper examines several different aspects of the Egyptian culture, specifically, this paper focuses on elements and systems …

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…on April 19, 1999. 5. Tarek Eldin: Computer engineering major at Santa Clara University, interviewed on April 24, 1999. 6. Ahmed Kasem: Computer engineering major at Santa Clara University, interviewed on April 24, 1999 7. Nader Hantour: Computer engineering major at Santa Clara University, interviewed on April 24, 1999. 8. Nancy Hantour: Business Administration major at Santa Clara University, interviewed on April 24, 1999. 9. Jenny Eldin: Computer Engineering major at Santa Clara University, interviewed on April 23 1999. 10. Mohamed Salah: Computer Engineering major at San Jose State University, interviewed on April 23, 1999.