The Effects the War on Iraq has on Ancient Art.

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities
CLASS:Art Appreciation ARTICLE:The New York Times, February 25, 2003 TITLE:Oldest Human History is at Risk by Holland Carter and War in Iraq Would Halt Digs in Region by John Noble Wilford SUMMARY OF ARTICLES As we all know, unless other action is taken, there will be war in Iraq in the upcoming months. This would be devastating not only the people there, but on the historical artifacts and thousands of archeological sites in that …

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…that this war would bring to not only in Iraq but other Middle Eastern countries as well, and the potential destruction of our history and heritage. While many people are fighting to stop the war and save lives, only a few have considered probable damage to the art. It would be a shame if the grim future that many of these archeologists see came to past. We could have possibly lost more than we gained.