The Effects of Violence in Tel

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Essay Database > Literature > English
The Effects of Violence in Television and Movies "Violence on television and in the movies is damaging to children" (Levine) Well, that just about says it all, huh? Or does it? One thing is for certain, the link between adolescent violence and the programs on television is there, the only thing to debate is how strong is that link? Many people feel there is a huge problem with the violence on television and in the …

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…tv/9G02/tv-violence/0769.html> Levine, Madeline Ph.D. Viewing Violence. New York: Doubleday, 1996 Marks, Alexandra. "Few signs that media violence is abating". Christian Science Monitor. 23 Sept. 1999 Sirs Knowledge Source 19 Jan. 2000 <> Moret, Jim. "Harmful violence pervades TV" CNN Daily News.19 Jan. 2000 <> Pitofay, Robert. "The influence of violent entertainment material on kids" Federal Trade Comission. 25 June, 1999. SIRS Knowledge Source. 3 Feb. 2000. <>