The Effects of Global Warming

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Pages: 10
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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Marketing and Advertising
Last year the Caribbean region experienced a record-breaking hurricane season; if you think this is coincidental, a study of global warming may give you other ideas. Global warming which is the term used to describe the trend of increases in the average temperature of the Earth's atmosphere and oceans that has been observed in recent decades. Global warming occurs because carbon monoxide and other chemical emissions remain trapped beneath the ozone layer and as a …

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…animals and in some cases human death, we may not be very far from this eventuality if the corrective steps are not taken immediately and to good and proper effect. Mel Gibson and the other actors in "Waterworld" found refuge at sea and so they were able to survive without land but we the inhabitants of the earth may not be as fortunate, we may very well run to the seas and encounter a tsunami.