The Effect of Poverty in the "Shame"

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In the story "Shame", Dick Gregory relates an early lesson learned in school in the nature of hatred and shame. His fantasies of an ideal home life and future are publicly dash and ridiculed. His anger at this expense prevents him from helping another human being, the story's most valuable lesson. Poverty brings Richard, the actor in "shame", a lot of troubles, including the lack of clothes, food, and bad living conditions. Firstly, poor Richard …

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…and Richard felt sad about sleeping with five other people in his bed. So, poverty forced Richard in a poor living condition. In summary, no enough clothes, lack of food, and poor living condition are three major effects of poverty. Poverty is the most important resource of his shame. Fortunately, Richard didn't submerge in the poverty; instead, he struggled to get his respect from others. Reference: Dick Gregory. "Shame" McGraw-Hill Ryerson, Fourth Canadian Edition: Pg 457