The Dysfunctional Philosophies of Early America.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
David Freeman Hawke, in his book Everyday Life in Early America opens with this statement, "To hear the seventeenth century tell I, only the dregs came this way- 'unruly gallants packed thither by their friends to escape ill destinies... condemned wretches, forfeited by law..." It is clear by Hawke's words, and also by what he presents throughout Everyday Life in Early America that while the early settlers may have tried to lay a good foundation …

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…its ideology is ineffective. Overall, early America was a grand experiment, with good points, and bad, but because of the nature of those bad points, and the nature of the good, America held true to its first settlers, "only the dregs came this way." Well, the dregs may have come here, and impressed a dysfunctional system on early America, but they could not fail to make an America, and that is worthy of recognition too.