The Dynamics in Alfred Hitchcock's Rear Window and Psycho

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Film & TV
From the creative mind of Alfred Hitchcock came many a classic film, but two that stand out are the thrillers Rear Window and Psycho. These films capture the viewer and create an atmosphere so unique and fresh that you feel as though you personally know the characters; sometimes you even feel like you're becoming the characters. Although the films have many similarities they both have completely different moods and themes. Most importantly the films can …

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…where Norman talks to Marion in the motel office to the name of the lead female role, Marion Crane, birds are a recurring theme. Hitchcock is able to use every element in the film making process to his advantage in creating an enthralling story. From sound, to color, to the lack there-of, Hitchcock produces quality psychological thrillers. "Hitchcock believed that canny art direction and set design were crucial to the mood of the picture"(Rebello 67).