The Driving Force in "Hamlet"

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
"Hamlet" is a play written by William Shakespeare. It is about a prince named Hamlet who father makes a connection with him with intentions on getting revenge on his brother. The late King Hamlet's soul can not rest until his death is squared away; therefore, he appears as a ghost to express his feelings about the revenge his is seeking. The ghost of the Late Hamlet is the driving force of the play and is …

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…because he brought a change in Hamlet's heart. Although the situation between his mother and uncle is already confusing to him, the ghost of his father stressing the urge for revenge brought the plot into the play. Work Cited: Hamlet/Ghost character Analysis Shattuck, Charles H. "The Hamlet of Edwin Booth" University of Illinois Press Stanford, Judith A. Responding to Literature: Stories, Poems, plays and essays Fifth Edition