The Dred Scott Case.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
1. Dred Scott Case Dred Scott was a man who seemed consistent with society's definition of a black slave. However, this was not true for he was an articulate man who changed our society and American standards. In 1799 Dred Scott was born in Virginia as a slave of the Peter Blow family. He spent his life as a slave, and never learned to read or write. In 1830 the Blow family moved to St. Louis, part of …

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…Abraham Lincoln dances with an African American to show anti slavery views. John Hood was another man who sought the presidency, he dances with a Native American. This pairing is puzzling but is said to allude to Bell's brief flirtation with Native American interests. Stephen A. Douglas dances with a ragged Irishman. He is associated with Douglas in several other cartoons. The Irishman may be intended as a reference to Douglas's backing among Irish immigrants.