The Dred Scott Case

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Essay Database > History
Question: What was the decision of the Supreme Court and what did that decision mean for the country? Answer: On March 6, 1857, the nine justices went into the courtroom in the basement of the U.S. Capitol, lead by Chief Justice Taney. Taney was almost 80 years old, always week, and even weaker because of the effort when he wrote the two-hour-long opinion. He spoke in a low voice that Republicans said was a "shameful decision." He …

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…back to the lower court with instructions for that court to dismiss the case for the same reason. This verdict upheld the Missouri Supreme Court's ruling in favor of Sanford. People from the North were angered by the verdict. They believed that Taney had unfairly conduct the court. This verdict shattered their confidence in the Supreme Court. The people from the South liked the verdict because they hoped it would end the controversy over slavery.