"The Dream of Rood".

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Essay Database > Literature > Poetry
The Dream of the Rood This poem was used in order to passively persuade the reader into believing the message within the poem: -God and all that is heavenly exists through obeying Christianity and the church. This narration was conspired with writing techniques, used to indirectly pass along the message mentioned above. Descriptive, metaphorical and personification techniques are some of the tools used to confirm the passages of the Bible. The bible and the "unidentified …

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…order to walk among the heavens. If you did not support the church, then you were against God, thereby being crucified, beheaded, burned or put to death in some other manner. The church influenced society through belief and bestowed a way of life. It manipulated society by exploiting people's fears and desires, while acting as a governing power within it. This was necessary as God ordained kings to rule in these times. Jay P. Buckley.