The Dreaded Cancellation is a step by step essay on how to cancel your alarm monitoring system.

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Essay Database > Literature
I'm sitting at my desk working on a report for my boss when it happens. The phone rings, I pick it up and my day has begun its downhill slide. On the other end of the phone is a customer demanding that their alarm monitoring service be cancelled. "I want my system shut off now!" says the customer. Canceling a monitored alarm system is not as easy as calling up the electric company and telling …

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…explain to the customer why I can not just hit a button on my computer and their account is canceled. Many have commented that United Systems is very out of date. I believe that statement has a lot of truth to it. My goal is to minimize the amount of labor put into terminations, by maintaining our current customers. If I can achieve this I hope to make a monstrous job into a puny job.