The Diversity Training Movement and Its Failure

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
INTRODUCTION Scan the newspapers, listen to the evening news, peruse a periodical, survey the literature, talk to a friend, and you too will find example after example of organizations and individuals faced with the costly effects of discrimination and harassment in the workplace. The basic federal law against job discrimination is Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This law makes job discrimination illegal. Employers cannot use race, skin color, age, gender, religious belief, …

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…innovation, and problem-solving abilities; and (4) Reduce legal costs. REFERENCES : Business Communication and Diversity in the Workplace: A Guest Editorial Gail Fann Thomas; The Journal of Business Communication, Vol. 33, 1996 Organizational Barriers to Diversity in the Workplace Maria T. Allison; Journal of Leisure Research, Vol. 31, 1999 <Tab/>Diversity in the Workplace: The Human Resources Management Challenges Gerald R. Ferris, Dwight D. Frink, M. Carmen Galang; Human Resource Planning, Vol. 16, 1993 <Tab/>