The Dirty Player. Should US go to war with Iraq once more?

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Military
The Ying-Yang theory of "where there is up there is down, where there is left there is right, where there is cold there is heat" was demonstrated in the 1990's when Desert Storm broke out between Iraq and United States. Saddam Hussein, president of Iraq, dangerously invaded Kuwait because of its richness in oil resource. US offered aid to the Kuwait because of the wicked deeds of Hussein and growing threats for the unfortunate Kuwaiti …

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…whether they would be willing to be interviewed outside of the country, or in the absence of Iraqi government representatives." None has agreed so far. We should act now while the iron is still hot to avoid the world threat. There's no harm done when you are extremely cautious rather than carefree. Consequences will justify Iraq's actions because they asked for it, and "where there is good there is evil" and justice will always prevail.