The Different Uncle

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Pages: 2
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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
Every family in today's world has its problems. Everyone has at least one person in their family that they are ashamed or sometimes even scared of. For a countless number of families, this outcast person in the family is the uncle. The three main types of outcast uncles in families are the gay uncle, the homeless uncle, and the just downright crazy uncle. Lets start out with the gay uncle shall we? The gay uncle …

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…jacket, just to see what it felt like. Then the crazy uncle would want to do it himself. Every family has problems. It just so happens that in most families, the uncle is the one who seems to cause the most. Every family has an uncle that nobody likes to talk about, but just cant help it. The gay uncle, the homeless uncle, and the downright crazy uncles are just a few examples of this.