The Differences between the United States and British Consti

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Essay Database > History
There exist many major differences of the U.S. and British constitutions. The United States Constitution and the British Constitution contain dissimilarities for the reasons that are due to their originations, background, context, and intent. These differences are apparent in the society and political setting in which both countries respectively have. The constitutions do contain a few simple principles in common. Among these similarities is the need for a government to respect the individual rights …

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…times of great conflict; while, the American Constitution was created at a time of relative peace in order to retain peace in the nation. So stipulated are the differences between the English and American Constitutions. It is apparent that these differences are associated with the differences of the people, times, and reason for creation. Yet, with all the differences between the two, a sense of similarity remains. The citizens need for their rights above everything.