The Development of Television

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Pages: 16
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Essay Database > Social Sciences
It's a good sum up about television and it's history and afffects on society Great work, more diagrams needed. The Development of the Television Television, our link to the changing world around us. Once thought to be just a passing phase through a quickly advancing society, but now a common innovation in every household. Since the l940s television has become the window on the world for much of industrialized society. Anything the eye can …

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…A. Television in American Society. New York: Watts Publishers, 1983. Cohen, Daniel and Susan. How to Get Started in Video. Vancouver: Watts Publishers, 1986. Duncan, Barry. Mass Media and Popular Culture. Toronto: Harcourt Brace and Company, 1988. Hollingsworth, T.R. Tune in to a Television Career. Montreal: Messner Press, 1984. Irvine, Mat. TV & Video. Vancouver: Watts Publishers, 1983. Postman, Neil. Amusing Ourselves to Death. New York: Viking Publishers, 1985. Won, Marie. The Plug-In Drug, rev. ed. New York: Viking Publishers, 1985.