The Development of Popular Music from the 1960's to Present Day.

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Music
During the 1960's, various events in the United States of America, from the assassinations of J. F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King to the Vietnam war and Cuban missile crisis, created civil unrest resulting in protests, marches and riots, which was reflected in the music of the period. Views on other events around the world such as the riots in Paris, the Cold War and the Russian invasion of Czechoslovakia where expressed through the language …

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…bass parts and drum rhythms in his music, which originated in the 60's and was developed right through the 70's. Psychedelic rock veteran Jimi Hendrix often turned to funk experimentation in his career, developing the style even further. The 1980's saw the emergence and development of many musical styles such as hip-hop and new romantic which, like all popular music, develops with the social, economical, and cultural developments that take place all over the world.