The Development of Chess Styles and Society.

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Film & TV
The development of chess has a long and fascinating history. Its rules, pieces, strategies, players, and bureaucracies have evolved substantially throughout the centuries, and even millenniums. Observing the stylistic and strategic development of chess during the past century, the magnitude of change during a mere few years is both stunning and intriguing. After further investigation and analysis, it is apparent that there is a correlation between the games of the chess world and the social …

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…course of the game. (4)The readiness of the pieces toward the center of the board. (5)The one sided ability to created threats. (6)Whether a bishop or knight is better in such a position. (7)The estimated values of pieces a player has on the chessboard. Most often considered as Pawn: 1 points, Knight/Bishop: 3 points, Rook: 5 points, Queen: 9 points, and King: infinite, but around 3 points in combative value. (8)Arnold Toynbee, Experiences New York: Oxfod University Press, 1969. p214