The Devastating Battle of Wounded Knee.

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Essay Database > History
The battle of Wounded Knee was a tragic event in United States history marking this as a period in time when Native American people were not accepted as Americans and were outlawed the rights established to the white population. The Lakota Sioux Nation and its people were not allowed a place in white society. Their land, which acknowledged as there's by the treaty of Laramie was broken and taken from them, lives were taken, and …

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…slaughtered hundreds of Indians. The Indians did not know that the Ghost Dance religion would scare the whites so badly that they could have kept it quiet and pretended to stop when ordered to do so. Nevertheless, provocation by the Indians should not have led to their slaughter. The Army wiped out most of the Lakota Sioux Nation. The result of this significant battle was greater hatred between the remaining Indians and the white people.