The Destructive Enemy. One of the stories i wrote. Got to do with Star Wars. Take a read!!!

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
I saw every moment of it. The red, bright laser blocked me from the most lethal fight between my superior master and the dark, deadly enemy. My master was fighting intensely and with all his might to defeat the deadly enemy. Each clash between the light sabers made me more and more anxious. I wanted the lasers to be turned off so I could make my move and kill the noxious enemy with the help …

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…it and then I heard my master's words. Kill him using your mental strength not your physical strength!. Then it hit me I needed to discover his weakness. I felt revealed and then attacked him from every angle. I soon found his weakness and it was blocking stabs. So I kept on stabbing him. He had a difficultly blocking it and then I succeeded. I finally killed the thing which I desired to kill most.