The Degrading Effects of Apartheid

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The Degrading Effects of Apartheid In South Africa apartheid became a law in 1948. The word is Afrikaans (Dutch African) and literally means "apartness" or "separateness". It is a policy of political, social, racial, and economic discrimination and segregation against non-whites in South Africa. In 1982, at the time when Athol Fugard wrote his play, " Master Harold"...and the boys" ,South Africa was in the midst of the oppression of blacks. Many people were facing decisions on …

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…Africa. The "Pass-Law" and what it means to blacks. Fugards' play exposes the lack of job opportunities for blacks. Conclusion: Apartheid is a means to segregate different races from another. It also gives means for whites to feel superior over the oppressed blacks. As South Africa has more and more people willing to accept the consequences for opposing apartheid, then their is hope yet to live in a world free of "whites-only" benches and "collisions."