The Death of the Moth vs. The Battle of The Ants

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
In this essay the author uses different methods of personification of insects to describe the same thing - human nature. While Thoreau vividly depicts a large-scale battle between two ant species in his yard, Virginia Woolf gives a detailed and intimate account of the short life and death of a daytime moth. The difference between these two writers isn't simply style or choice of vocabulary (which is intended to set an appropriate mood in the …

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…better understanding of the implicit ideas that are the basis of the two essays. I finished the essay by tying these two apparently different approaches to a common idea regarding human life. Works Cited: Woolf, Virginia. "The Death of the Moth", The Norton Reader Pp. 656-658. 10th Shorter Edition, New York 2000. Peterson, Brereton, Hartman. Thoreau, Henry David. "The Battle of the Ants", The Norton Reader Pp. 463-471. 10th Shorter Edition, New York 2000. Peterson, Brereton, Hartman.