The Death Penalty: Right for Safety or Wrong For Morality

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The death penalty is a very common controversial social issue across our nation. Every time a death penalty case arises, and the time comes for the convict, thousands of people across the nation support the punishment as well as protest the punishment. This issue does not have any proponents of a particular group. People are very split on this subject, regardless of race, background, age, gender, and other variables that distinguish individuals. Throughout the extent …

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…must remember. Considering all of the factors, I believe that if you did not have a preference on this issue, after reading this paper you should sway towards the support of a major deterrence of violent crime in the capital punishment system. Works Cited 1. Kaplan, David. "Anger and Ambivalence." Newsweek, 7 7 ,August,1995. 24-29 2. "Pro Death Penalty".1998. * p..html.* 3. Stewart, David. "Dealing With the Death Penalty." ABA Journal, 80.(1994): 50-53. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**