The Day the Leader was Killed

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Essay Database > Literature > English
The Day the Leader Was Killed Naguib Mahfouz was born in Cairo, Egypt. He graduated from University of Cairo in 1935, majoring in philosophy. Over the span of his life, he has written more than 30 novels and at least 14 collections of short stories (Naguib 1). After his academic pursuits, he had served the government and several other ministries; he spent his spare time writing. Although he retired from that job in 1971, he still pursued his writing career. …

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…a great leader or of an influential person on another of lower status will end in tension, confusion and even death. As seen with Elwan, due to the circumstances laid down by Anwar Sadat, it crushes him financially having him work harder which then affected how he looked upon his relationship with Randa. He loses not only both but in the end kills a man and ends up missing in all the frustration and confusion.