"The Day It Happened" by Rosario Morales . The teacher told us to write a short summary about the story and compare it to the world or our lives in some way

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Essay Database > Literature > North American
"The Day It Happened" by Rosario Morales is basically about something that happens a lot in Hispanic families. It's about domestic violence and a community that knows all about it. This story is told in the first person point of view by a girl that seems to be the author herself; Rosario Morales, as a child. <Tab/>This story takes place in an apartment building with thin walls somewhere in a …

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…in many homes. It's an occurrence that many people have seen throughout their lives. This won't stop happening any time soon. Maybe in about 1000 years this might stop happening, but for now our world is full of too much frustration and annoyance. People will always seek to get rid of their anger and a loved one will usually be the one to take all of the abuse.It's just a negative part of human nature.