"The Cycles of American History" Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., first revealed the sequences that governed American politics over the past two centuries in The Cycles of American History. I enjoyed it immensely for a variety of reasons. First, Schlesinger makes his novel appealing to both the avid history fan, student of history, and teacher of history, thus allowing everyone to understand his work. The prominent political historian continues to reflect on the "recurring struggle between pragmatism and idealism in the …

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…different places around the world so the mixture would not lack anything and the new government would possess an indestructible power; power to change the world, power to alleviate the pain people had before! This is the reason why America is such a powerful continent! People interact with each other, and this way they learned from the wisdom and the experience they have had, mixing them up and forming something new, novel, fresh and mankind!!!