The Culture of the US Vrs the Philippines

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
A Comparison in Culture: The United States of America vs. The Philippines Outline Thesis: How does the culture in the United States of America compare with that of the Philippines I. Government A. The Unites States government is bicameral legislature consisting of the House of Representatives and the Senate; there is a separation state and federal government; two political parties dominate Congress: the Republican party and the Democratic party B. The Philippine government is bicameral …

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…similarities and differences. Many similarities stem from the fact that the Philippines was once a U.S. Commonwealth. Government similarities especially can be contributed to this. However, there are differences between the two countries as well. Schooling and health have many differences than that of the Unites States of America. Each country has its own unique characteristics in culture. Both the United States and the Philippines have distinctive cultures that contribute to a well-functioning society.