The Cuban embargo. When it started, why it started, what is wrong with it, what will happen if it is lifted.

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Cuba is less than 100 miles off the coast of Florida. A flight from Miami would take less than 30 minutes. However, that is not possible. If Americans want to travel to Cuba they need to either have a special visa or leave from another country, because regular flights between Cuba and the United States are non-existent. The US had many investments in Cuba when Fidel Castro and his guerrilla warfare took over Cuba in 1959. Therefore the …

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…e to new regime is to swarm the island with U.S. goods and American tourists" (Corchado pp11A). The forty year embargo against Cuba has failed the goals it was set to accomplish. Started during the era of the Cold War which ended countless years ago, the embargo has damaged many things. The U.S. embargo on Cuba has hurt the U.S. economy without serving a real benefit and should be lifted.