The Crusades: Major Battles and Effects

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Essay Database > History
The Crusades, which number in eight, lasted from 1095a.d. to 1270a.d. In this paper I will be discussing the major battles and the effects of the Crusades. There were eight Crusades, four of which were led by kings. The battles in each crusade contributed to the outcome of the crusades. The Major battles that had the most effect on the outcome of the crusades will be discussed in the next paragraphs. There were …

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…they both gained economically due to the improvement of trade between the West and the East. In conclusion, throughout this paper I have talked about the major battles, and the effects the Crusades had on Europe and the Middle East . As you have already read, the results of the Crusades were unsuccessful in some aspects, although they did change the shape of Europe and the Middle East, and brought about the period of the Renaissance.