"The Crucible" by Arthur Miller. Act 2 analysis. "what is the reason for the location and what is revealed to the audience at the end?"

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While the first act is set in public setting of Reverend Parris's home, the second enters the more private area of Proctor's life. In doing so, Miller provides insight into the protagonist in the context of his own surroundings. The intrusion of public matters, such as the witch trials, into the private sphere of Proctor's life is also conveyed here. The conversation between John and his wife Elizabeth in their own house reveals a great …

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…his own home. He also comments on the problems associated with the intrusion of public matters into private life and. To a lesser extent the society of Salem is also represented by the general atmosphere of the scene at proctor's house, which primarily consists of guilt and anger. In conclusion, through this act, Miller reveals crucial information concerning the characters of the protagonist and Reverend Hale as well as the general state of the society.