"The Crucible" by Arthur Miller.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Arthur Miller's The Crucible takes place during the 1692 witch-hunt in Salem, Massachusetts. We become acquainted with the play's protagonist, John Proctor, during the first act and learn of his past. He isn't perfect, like many of the other good people in the play, but he is still a hero and a martyr for many people. Throughout the play Miller shows how the sacrifice of human life is permitted under the guise of law and order, …

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…once again a case of everyone accusing their enemies of being in league with the Devil. John Proctor was not perfect, neither were any of the others, but through the witch-hunt, Salem lost the people closest to perfect all due to fear and chaos. How many people do mankind have to lose before realising that the killing of people for law and order actually makes them lose more than they can ever imagine gaining?