"The Crucible" by Arthur Miller.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
The Hungarian proverb, "Man was given a tongue with which to speak and words to hide his thoughts" has existed for centuries; it illustrates the unscrupulousness of lies. Throughout time, children have been taught honesty through literature. Many fairy tales and fables, by incorporating morals, enforce such essential lessons about life; The Boy Who Cried "Wolf!" being a specific example. Literature of this genre seeks to convey these morals into the lives of children; hopefully …

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…we get older, that there is more "grey" than black or white. There are more rules that you can bend with your tools to suit your needs, and lying is one of those tools. Unfortunately, although literature tries to correct the lessons taught in history, we often misinterpret this message, and ultimately steer away from the right direction. Taking everything in account, I can now appreciate the universal proverb, "Tell the truth and then run."