"The Crucible": John Proctor

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
The Crucible: John Proctor In the book The Crucible there is a struggle within to have one have a sense of belonging to society. They want to be loved by that society no matter how much they may seem that they don't belong. But they do want to show that to everyone, everyone that may not think that. John Proctor is a good example of a struggle to find a place in society. He's the …

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…people while still being like by other people in the community. He didn't want his name to be ruined by signing that confession. If he did his life would be ruined people would think of him as being evil when his name would be mentioned. He didn't want his sons to have them see there father being shunned by the community. All this man wanted to do was to be loved and respected by others.