The Crucible: Inner Struggles

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Arthur Miller's play, The Crucible, is a great portrayal of humans and their inner struggles. This play takes place in the 1690's in a small Puritan community based on a rigid social system. An outbreak of rumors claiming witchcraft contaminated this small village. This caused conflict among the people of name and ultimately resulted in absolute chaos. This play clearly illustrates the self-battles of three characters. Reverend Hale's battle is initiated by his personal commitment …

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…Yet as she does this heroic act, Abigail pretends that Mary is also a witch using the poppets against her. Mary is now faced with yet another grueling internal conflict: to do what she knows is right and probably die for it, or to return to her old ways. Mary succumbs to Abigail's "hypnosis " and accuses John Proctor of forcing her to lie. Clearly the battle which Mary faced from the very beginning was enormous.