"The Crucible", Fact or Fiction?

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
The Salem Witch Craft Trials began in 1692, due to illness upon two young girls, Betty Parris and Abigail Williams, which could not be diagnosed. The girls were victim to hallucinations and seizures. The Salem Village doctor was unable to diagnose any true illness, so concluded that the girls had been bewitched. In recent studies they thought that they might have suffered from encephalitis lethargica, though this is not a fact. The symptoms from the medical …

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…think that the movie was not very accurate. I think the ages are very important to the viewers, the impact of an eleven year old and a sixty year old being together is much more dramatic than a seventeen year old. The ages, names, and dates of death are also important when one is remaking history. In my opinion, the movie could have been more accurate, but overall the severity of the accuracy was understandable.