The Crucible, Arthur Miller

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There are three main points about Proctor, which greatly contribute to his effectiveness throughout the play. Proctor is arguably the main character or at least a character with a very full role in the play. Taking advantage of this, Miller used Proctor in a largely rounded role to make the play a one of drama and suspense. He is most unlike the majority of the other flat characters so we can relate to him well …

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showed last 75 words of 1917 total
…has declared a 'with us or against us' policy to all countries especially near Afghanistan, we can see how he resembles Danforth. Parallels can be made with this play throughout history. This book's effectiveness on the audience would be extremely weak if not non-existent without Proctor. Without His extremely thoughtful and well-written lines the play would have much less feeling and desirability to read or watch. Proctor is the most essential character in the play.