The Crucible

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Tone Shift between Act I and Act II of Arthur Miller's The Crucible The tone changes from maddened anticipation at the end of act one to somber falseness at the beginning of act two. The author's diction highlights the tones of hysteria and excitement at the conclusion of act one. "Rising to a great glee," Abigail exclaims, "I saw Goody Sibber with the Devil!" Accusations from Abigail and Betty are flying everywhere. All logical thinking, …

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…Are you?" John and Elizabeth are experiencing serious marriage problems. Elizabeth is angered by John's earlier sin of adultery with Abigail. They only remain together and put on a good face because of their Puritan beliefs. Proctor's isolation from the rest of society can be seen through the change of tones established by the community's frenzied excitement at the end of act one to John and Elizabeth's calm deceitfulness at the start of act two.