"The Crucible"

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Essay Database > Literature > North American
The title of the play "The Crucible" means a test of one's beliefs. The title fits the play perfectly because many people's beliefs are questioned. One of the people was John Proctor. In the play "The Crucible", John's first mistake was his affair with Abigail. During the play he tries his best to stay away from Abigail. This way John wouldn't be tempted by Abigail. John made the decision that his wife is more important …

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…ground in that he was not a witch, and he died a good Christian because he didn't lie to the court. In conclusion, John Proctor was tested a lot in The Crucible. He was tested by him trying to stay away from Abigail, through the court, and his decision to die or not to die. In the end John overcame these tests even though he chose to die instead of lying to save his life.