"The Crucible"- Arther Miller "Selfish love of Abigail Williams." A look into Abigail Williams life, and thoughts.

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Essay Database > Literature > North American
How far will somebody go just for the sake of love? For young, Abigail Williams, she was prepared to take it as far as she possibly can. She causes a great deal of destruction within the town of Salem Village because of her selfish and evil ways. To the people of Salem village she appears to be afflicted by the devil. She is not really cursed by the devil but simply swept away by love. …

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…she sought. Vengeance, jealously, and greed surround the town of Salem. The witch trails are a prefect opportunity for Abigail's jealously to prevail itself, her adolescence anger to be released, and to observe how much influence she truthfully contains. Through Abigail's actions, we realize that a person should not base their complete life on one feeling of affection or envious emotion, because it could change their life and the life of others for the worse.