The Crimean War. This is a look at the events which lead up to the Crimean War

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Essay Database > History > European History
Russia was known as one of the most powerful countries in Europe before the Crimea War. They had been able to put down many revolts in their country such as, the Decembrist Revolt, The Polish Revolt and The Hungarian Revolt. The Russians also thought they were a military power because they 'defeated' the French when Napoleon invaded. This all proved that they were still a powerful nation. Because of Russia's superpower status, they felt the …

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…its gleam as the greatest military power in Europe. They also were not able to rebuild Sevastopol. The Black Sea was destroyed and no Russian warships were allowed through the Bosphorus The defeat in the Crimea was so surprising and embarrassing for the Russians because they thought they were the best military power in Europe. Their friends, Britain and Austria, had betrayed them. They had lost their great Black Sea fleet. They were now beatable.