"The Creepy Creations of Professor Shock" by R.L. Stine.

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June 9, 2003 Book Report Book- The Creepy Creations of Professor Shock Author- R.L. Stine Copyright- 1997 If you haven't heard the news, you must have been living on another planet. On the way home from school, three young elementary students found a sign in front of a very old house that said "Please Come In". When entering the house the found Professor Shock cleaning up his laboratory. Being helpful the children insist on helping out, that's …

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…that it was fun and exciting but I did have some heart stopping moments especially when I came very close with getting hit in the head with a bulldozer's crane. 10.Ashley- I heard that the people who wanted to steal the remote from Professor Shock, had a special name could you explain that? George- They were called Cyborgs, which means that they wanted to make the human race their slaves ( which he early found out).