The Cover-up, is a short story about a computer hacker that gets assasinated by an agent from the government.

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
"Error 404, File not Found..." Simon Gray swore. After eight hours of unsuccessfully hacking into government websites, he leaned back in his squeaky chair and sighed. I'll never find the truth! Staring at the bright and radiant screen, he wondered how long before the government revealed it's various secrets and cover-ups. As an avid conspiracy theorist, Simon believed that the government hid everything from the public; maintaining it's secrecy using disinformation and lies. He spent most …

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…at him. The deafening sound of a gunshot filled the hall. The impact of the bullet hitting his chest stunned him, knocking him to the ground. The spot where he had been shot was numb at first, then it began to hurt, and it really hurt. He began to feel dizzy and light-headed, the pain was intolerable. He gasped for air in ragged breath, and it would be the last breath he would ever take.