"The Count Of Monte Cristo" by Alexandre Dumas. What are the lines which you thought were significant to the ongoing theme of "The Count of Monte Cristo?" Why did you think that?

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
One line that I thought was pure ingenuity from the author was when he wrote one-liners in this novel that seemed to foreshadow the oncoming events and add onto the theme of the story. One of these lines were, "Hatred is blind, anger is foolhardy, and he who pours out vengeance risks having to drink a bitter draft." This line was very powerful in the sense that it foreshadows the series of events that occurs …

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…could not exist without the other. It is like night and day, or darkness and light. This invokes one of my beliefs: Wherever there is light, there is something to cast a shadow. We cannot avoid or pursue one or the other; they merely co-exist in each other's world, unfailingly and unwillingly. In this world, there are two sides to everything that exists because that is just the way everything was built. It just IS.