The Count Of Monte Cristo- Explain how in The Count of Monte Cristo Edmond Dantes is considered as evil or immoral based solely on his actions.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
In many works of literature, a character is considered evil or immoral based solely on his/her actions. In the book The Count of Monte Cristo, the author Alaxandre Dumas creates sympathy in the reader by portraying Edmond Dantes as a hardworking and loyal sailor who is victimized by his friends. Later, after getting out of jail he seeks revenge on his foes. Early in the book Dumas portrays Dantes as a good person. He …

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…Edmond were not only the victim of revenge, but were also rewarded at some point. Many of Edmond's adversaries were reaping the rewards of the bad events that took place in Edmond's life. Later on in the book these same characters were the victims of Edmond's revenge. Clearly, Edmonds portrayal as a good character even while getting revenge on his enemies transforms The Count of Monte Cristo into a work of startling depth and power.