The Costly Battle:

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“At last, the nation allegedly has turned the corner in the war on drugs. In May, 1998, Attorney General Janet Reno and Treasury Secretary Robert E. Rubin announced more than 100 indictments and the seizure of about $150,000,000 from Mexican banks, representing a successful conclusion to the ‘the largest, most comprehensive drug money laundering case in history ’(Boaz).” Surely the drug lords are shaking in their boots, right? Wrong. When was the last time one did not hear …

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…Cussen, Meaghan. Legalize Drugs Now!. American Journal of Economic and Sociology. July 2000. ( Eldredge, Dirk Chase. Would legalizing drugs serve America’s national interest?. Insight on the News. September 14,1998. ( Shenk, Joshua Wolf. Good Drugs, bad drugs. New Statesman. June 7, ( A sane drug Policy. Progressive. October 1999. (