The Cost of Artificial Life

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Biology
Advancements in science over the past two centuries have brought mankind to the pinnacle of existence. Progression in architecture, medicine, exploration, technology, and communication have led to countless inventions and improvements that have immensely changed the world. People no longer die from polio, live in mud huts, travel cross-country on horseback, or wait months to receive a message from a foreign country. The solutions to these problems were intended to better society, but with the …

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…has been brought to the forefront of society. By viewing these movies people can become aware of the consequences that comes with artificial life. Even if artificial life does not try to eliminate its own creator, the clouding of the essence of life would become too controversial and the very existence of life would diminish in value. For these reasons alone, this preverbal Pandora's Box, must never be opened, no matter how great the curiosity.