The Corruption of the American Dream: Character Analysis: "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald and "Of Mice And Men" by John Steinbeck

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The American Dream is known to many as the desire for a better life, be that politically, religiously, economically, or simply the overall quality in one's life. For years, Americans have been chasing this dream. The British came to the New World in search of gold and wealth. Immigrants have been coming to America from all other parts in the world in search of a better life, whether they are escaping religious or political persecution, …

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…energy can be put into people's true desire, but because we live in a world where nothing is certain, ultimate satisfaction can only be achieved by a select few, if any, therefore leaving the rest with their dreams unfulfilled. Because people see others who have achieved the American Dream, they, too, believe that it is a possibility for them as well. In reality, though, many people have just a dream, and nothing more than that.